RDV Direct: Elvis 0041 78 691 59 16 .
Massages offer
50 minutes relaxing massage
Customized massage following your specific needs (or tensions!) : possibility to focus specifically on the relaxation of the legs, the back, trapezius, etc.
50' relaxing massage
CHF 90.00
1 hour 30' relaxing massage
The classic one! This massages allows a deep muscles relaxation, giving way to wellbeing and lightness sensations.
It includes breathing and relaxation phases that will evacuate the latest tensions. Possibility to customize the massage ("more back and trapezius!").
90' relaxing massage
CHF 150.00
0041 78 691 59 16
Rue du Purgatoire 3
1204 Genève
Monday to Friday : 7:30 - 20:30
Saturday : 8:30 - 12:30
1 hour 30' sport massage
Following your training plan, this massage will be stimulating (before the competition) or will help recovery (after the competition), and focus on a particular area (legs, arms, etc.).
Possibility to include mental preparation.
90' sport massage
CHF 150.00
1 hour 50' relaxing massage
1h50 of massage! Ideal to get a wellbeing, regenerating break, letting the breathing slow down, the muscles deeply relax and soothe the mind.
A wonderful gith to yourself or a friend.
110' relaxing massage
CHF 180.00